Palestine Online is a collection of web pages created by Palestinians (and friends), primarily in the late 90s and early 00s, sourced from the Internet Archive’s Wayback Machine. Included here are personal homepages, news websites and online magazines, sites showcasing Palestinian art and culture, and online memorials.

Many of the pages here were created during or close to the Second Intifada, and demonstrate the overlooked yet rich early history of Palestinian internet presence, tracing the World Wide Web as a crucial tool for resistance, connection, and expression that has given Palestinians an unprecedented platform under ongoing occupation. Even though the internet has since drastically changed in size, structure, and appearance, the stories, statements, and immense pride, love, and anger in these pages mirror what is found on modern platforms today.

Additionally, Palestine Online poses the question of how we engage in preservation of the digital space, which has become a primary commons for oppressed and silenced peoples around the world to make themselves heard, but at the same time is troubled by an ephemerality and constantly shifting form that risks plunging these voices back into obscurity.

How to Use

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Note: Some sites in this collection have links totally or partially disabled, some links 404 on clicking out, and some sites have not been saved yet and load directly from the Internet Archive, so may be a little slower in your browser. I hope to keep making Palestine Online a more consistent, streamlined experience but obviously it will not be perfect!

Table of Contents

Early WWW Efforts in Palestine at Birzeit University

Adam Hanieh in Middle East Report, 1999
Nigel Parry's Appeal to Palestinian Diaspora, 2000
Birzeit University's Complete Guide to Palestine's Websites, 2000
1998 Golden Olive Awards, 1998

Information Technology

Hadisoft Group, 2000
Zaytonasoft ISP, 2003
Noursoft Software, 2001
Palsoft Internet Cafe, 2001

Palestinian News Online

Al Quds News Front Page, 2001
Alayyam News Front Page, 2001
The Palestinian Information Center, 2001
Hamas Information Site, 2001
Falasteen Magazine, 2004
Jerusalem, I Love You, 2001
Palestine Times UK, 2001

Innovative Uses of the Early Web

Palestine History Timeline, 2002
Al Aqsa Mosque Tour, 2002
Destroyed Palestinian Villages Map, 2000
Palestine Media Watch News Comparison, 2002
Jukebox Arabia, 2002
HTML Tutorial, 2002

Documenting and Memorializing under Occupation

Memorial for the Martyr Alaa Barghouti, 2002
September 1996 Memorial, 1998
September 2000 Clashes Information Center, 2001
On the Ground in Ramallah, 1997

Palestinian Art and Artists on the Early Web

Omayya Joha's Site, 2001
Samia Halaby's Site, 1998

The People of Palestine, Online: Homepages on Geocities, Angelfire, etc.

The People of Palestine & friends, 2001
The holly land......Palestine, 2002
Ali Almallah's Page, 2003
Jayyousis' Pages, 2001
Amnah's Site, 2002
Palestine Oasis, 2002
Esam Shashaa's Bio, 2002
Alsharabatis' Homepages, 2001
Abboud's Page, 2001
Zuhair's Page, 2009
Reality of Palestine, 2009

Additional Links

Palestine Online in Vice
Talk on Palestine Online @ Wordhack
Source code on Github

Email to report bugs, request a page or site be added, inquire about exhibiting Palestine Online, or provide any other feedback :)